Useful SSH

  1. Introduction
  2. Basic SSH + Config
    1. Secure SSH-Keygen
    2. ProxyCommand
    3. ProxyJump
    4. Reverse SSH Tunnel
      1. Persistent Reverse SSH Tunnel
    5. Firefox SOCKS Proxy Tunnel
    6. Unresponsive SSH Session


Secure Shell (SSH) is a cryptographic network protocol for remote system administration and file transfers.
This document will summarize a collection of useful SSH commands that I use regularly.
All commands assume that you are using the OpenSSH SSH client.

$ ssh -V
OpenSSH_7.9p1 Debian-10+deb10u1, OpenSSL 1.1.1d 10 Sep 2019

Basic SSH + Config

The most common use case for ssh is logging into and executing commands on a remote machine.

# login to a server ( as the user (udia)
ssh [email protected]

For ease of use, a user defined configuration file can be created: ~/.ssh/config.

host tilde
User udia

Now, to log into the remote server, the command is simpler.

ssh tilde

Secure SSH-Keygen

To avoid entering in your password each time you want to remote in, an ssh key can be used instead. First, generate a secure ssh key.

# generating a secure SSH key
ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -t ed25519 -C [email protected]
Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/alexander/.ssh/id_ed25519.
Your public key has been saved in /home/alexander/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:b6mJRRWu5gqrM9ncOjV5uA7Bhi7qaOshyMwf0Mhcjzo [email protected]
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ED25519 256]--+
| . |
| . . |
| . o |
|o +oo o |
| =.o+. oS |
|=.o. .=+.. . |
|+E.=oo +o + |
|+oB =+o+ + |
|*+o=o++ o |

Now, put the contents of the *.pub file into the remote server’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ [email protected]
# alternatively manually copy and paste the contents
cat ~/.ssh/
# paste into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

The authorized_keys file should belong to the user, with user read and write permissions only.

ls -alh ~/.ssh
-rw-------  1 udia udia  202 Mar 23 18:06 authorized_keys

To ensure that the key files are kept permanently, they can be added in the ~/.ssh/config file. It is a good idea to make the keys specific to the host, otherwise all keys will be tried against the server each time an ssh connection is attempted.

host tilde
User udia
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519


Sometimes, you need to SSH into a machine that is only accessable through another machine.
For instance, a proxy server is accessable from WAN, while the target device is accessable from the proxy server.
Rather than running the ssh command twice, an alterantive is to setup a proxy command in the ssh configuration.

host sushi
User alex

host bento
HostName bento
User alex
ProxyCommand ssh sushi -W %h:%p

When running ssh bento, the connection will be proxied through sushi.
These proxies can be chained.


An alternative to the proxy command configuration is to use Proxy Jump.

host sushi
User alex

host bento
HostName bento
User alex
ProxyJump sushi

It is simpler to use proxy jump, as you don’t need to specify the direct SSH command in the configuration.

Reverse SSH Tunnel

If a linux server is behind a NAT and a firewall, a reverse SSH tunnel may be a solution.
This example uses three machines, a local that you are currently using, a destination that you are trying to connect to, and a middle that both local and destination can SSH into.

On the destination computer, type the following command replacing middleuser with the middle machine’s username and middle with the domain of the middle machine.

# on destination
ssh -R 36446:localhost:22 middleuser@middle

Port 36446 will be opened for listening and will forward future connections to port 22.
Now, to access the destination computer, you can connect using the following command:

# on local
ssh destinationuser@middle -p 36446
# alternatively, ssh into the middle machine...
ssh middleuser@middle
# then from the middle machine ssh into the destination machine
ssh destinationuser@localhost -p 36446

The sample port of 36446 is arbitrary.
Any open and available port can be used instead.

Persistent Reverse SSH Tunnel

This is a quick shell script for running a reverse tunnel. It can be used in combination with cron and run-one.



ssh -E ${OUTPUT} -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -R ${TUN_PORT}: -N remote_server >> $OUTPUT 2>&1
# m h  dom mon dow   command
* * * * * run-one

Firefox SOCKS Proxy Tunnel

If you want to browse the internet as if you are another machine, one method is to use a SOCKS proxy tunnel.
This is particularly useful if you want to access a Jupyter lab or notebook that is running on another server locally.

# on local
ssh -D 8123 -C -q -N researcher@researchmachine

Within Firefox, go to Preferences > Network Settings. Under the category Configure Proxy Access to the Internet select Manual proxy configuration.

Now, when browsing the internet in Firefox, you are proxied through your remote server through SOCKS.
The port number 8123 is arbitrary and can be any available, free port.

Unresponsive SSH Session

Occasionally, the SSH session will become unresponsive while you are connected remotely.
You can use the ssh escape sequence ~. to close the SSH session without closing the terminal window.