
  1. Overview
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    2. Audience
    3. Privacy
    4. License
    5. Technology & Hosting
  2. Miscellaneous
    1. Calendar


UDIA came into existence in February 2016, largely as a result of being one of the few domain names available in the .ca TLD satisfying a four character length limit.
It is also my preferred online moniker.

Occasionally, I expand the four characters as Universe Dream Inference Agent, albeit this has changed multiple times since inception.


I keep various public notes regarding my personal Linux setup and systems administration here.
Occasionally, I will also post some computing science research, cooking recipes, and unimportant musings about life.

In an attempt to overcome crippling perfectionism, the quality of the published content may vary drastically.


The goal of writing is to explain ideas and processes to my future self and to present interesting and useful quips to the broader public as a whole.

My target is the “I” who has forgotten, but remains engaged and intelligent, as well as the “You” who is reading this content now.


All software and products built should adhere to the seven foundational principles outlined in Privacy by Design.


All website content is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
You are free to copy and reuse any of my content (non-commercially) as long as you tell people where it is from.

Technology & Hosting


I borrow heavily from gwern.net, which I discovered while browsing a Hacker News post of well-designed personal sites.

I am not affiliated with the Urban Development Institute of Australia.
